Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Morning at the Gym

I was dancing at a wedding.  There was a huge cake.  There were hundreds of people I love.  I was having a good time and then there was loud music that didn't quite fit at the wedding.  The music didn't stop and I realized that my alarm was playing loudly in my ear.  Not wanting to wake JD up, I quickly turned off my alarm and headed to the gym.

Quick side note that does impact the rest of my morning at the gym story...
People have been writing recently, more people than I would have ever expected (Tarah! Mallory!) and saying how much they appreciate my blog.  I am not joking when I say this, having people comment on my facebook, blog, email me, text me, whatever, is one of the big things that keeps me going.  I know how much PriorFatGirl helps me, so I truly feel honored when people tell me I inspire them.  Knowing that people are reading for inspiration helps me feel comfortable sharing about the days that are hard. 

Well, this next part is something that I not all too thrilled about, but I will share the good and the bad with you.  Two days ago I went to Target with JD to buy freeze dried fruit, it's my new obsession.  I bought a ton, but while we were there I also bought Petit Ecolier.  Superman has his kryptonite, I have Petit Ecolier.  I CAN'T eat just one, or two, or three... In 2 days, I went through the whole box.  Now, here's the interesting thing about this.  Sometime I eat because I feel gross.  I feel fat and down about the weight loss and so I eat to feel better.  But running has made me feel a rejuvenated.  I am feeling more than ever that I am going to hit my 50 pound mark soon!  So, it wasn't out of depression or sadness that I ate the cookies, but because they tasted damn good.  I mean d-a-m-n good.  :-) 

Back to this morning...
I could have been mopey and depressed that I have made some poor choices in the last couple days.  I could have whined about them in the blog... pity me because I have no willpower.  And some days you know that I will do that.  But today I felt different.  I decided last night that no matter how tired I felt this morning, no matter how much I wanted to say NO, I was going to run.

2.26 miles. 31 minutes. 300 calories. 3.8-5.0 mph.

However, I am conquering my fear that I am too fat too exercise.  That was my excuse.  My reason to not to be my best.  I may be exhausted later today, but my day started with a BANG and I love it.  I am feeling super confident about myself and my abilities.  I WILL reach goal.

That's all I have for you today.  I plan to write about the elderly folk that I see at the gym.  I am betting it will be a good entry.  So, keep on reading.  And keep on commenting.  And tell me if there is anything else that you want me to write about.  Seriously.

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